The analogue part of the company. ZO press is a workshop for typography and graphic art. Combining contemporary idea's with traditional craftsmanship. The artwork printed on the antique presses have a look and feel incomparable to modern techniques . You can order much of the work in the shop.


The Dutch association for letterpress printers (drukwerkindemarge.org) invites their members to print the covers for their newsletters. I designed the cover of the first newsletter of 2020. New year, new decade. The theme could therefore only be about the love of letterpress with a reference to the notion of time: 'Type flies when y'r having fun'.


Booklovers cherrish their books. And for centuries they mark their pressious books with their traditional seal, the ex libris.


Graphic Design with a bite for a business card on postcard seize for instance. For why should these be álways small? But there are also fun cards that will make you think, or at least smile...


My dear father in law, Ben, became 88. That deserved an invitation that could not be overlooked of course.


A selection of lino prints big and small!


Posters for lovers of graphic design and typography starring the Sans Serif.